Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sample Language Arts Lesson Plan and Scaffold

Candice Groves
Sample Lesson Plan
Language Arts: Short Vowel Sounds 25-30 minutes

-Objectives: Students will be able to identify short vowel sounds and understand the importance of vowels.

-Standard: 3.1 (Reading) All students will understand and apply the knowledge of sounds, letters, and words in written English to become independent and fluent readers, and will read a variety of materials and texts with fluency and comprehension.

-Materials: Chart paper, markers, baskets, picture cards, dice with vowels, white boards, worksheet to record words.

-Hook (5 minutes): Typical Morning Message written without vowels on chart paper.
Who can read my message? What do you notice about the way it’s written?

Same Morning Message with vowels written in a different color ink.
Who can read my message now? Which one is easier to read? Why? Do you see any words that do not have a vowel?

-Benchmark (5 minutes): Make list of vowels and why they are important. Review short vowel sounds.
I want to make a list to see what we know about vowels. Who can tell me something that they know about vowels? What sound does the short _ make?

-Student-directed small-group activities in Leveled groups (at tables, 10-15 minutes):
Red and Blue groups: Sort pictures into Short Vowel baskets.
Orange and Green groups: Roll die, create a word with that short vowel sound, and write on chart.

-Teacher-directed mini-lesson (on carpet, 10 minutes):
Yellow group: Identifying and isolating short vowel sounds with white boards. Write a word, find vowel, and identify sound.
I’d like you to write the word _ on your white board. Circle the vowel. What sound does _ make in this word? Can you tell me a rhyming word that has the same vowel sound?

-Closing (5 minutes): Write students’ names on board.
How do I pronounce _’s name? Can you hear a short vowel? What about if I made that vowel say itself? Is his/her name still the same? Why do you think the vowels in your name are important? Soon, we will also talk about long vowels that say themselves when you pronounce them.

-Technology: - letter recognition – letter recognition & letter sounds

-Assessment: Facilitation grid to informally assess and write anecdotal records.

-Extension: Create made-up words using short vowel sounds.